Homer can't relate.

So I have discovered most of the world is dumbassed. It's delightful how no matter what your opinions are, you can express them in such a fashion that makes you an asshole. I want to know what happened to pleasant nonchalance. When did people start caring so much about the rest of the world? As far as I'm concerned, whatever works for me is fine. Spreading my ideology is the least of my worries.
That brings me to the whole concept of extremists. I hate them. To have such strong convictions is a very dangerous thing. We should learn from the present state of The Simpsons, with its new stream of non-sequitor plotlines, that maintaining one strategy of attack for anything will lead you to desperately seek relevance in the future. Hence the exaggerated attempts at post-modern comedy. Extremists have an inability to see clearly because they're too caught up "believing" in stuff. Evolution, man. You have to keep up to survive. Values are fleeting, but survival is crucial for, well, survival.
Right-wing misogynists are so funny. Cute little bastards.
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