Weekend edition on Monday.
Sometimes we have those days where no one wants to talk about anything serious. That's like every other day for me. Sure, I like my share of the raging argument, but at the end of the day, the factor by which I care about it goes down maybe a thousand. It's a flaw of human nature, I know. If it doesn't affect us, we take advantage of it. Still, we can't live life in apprehension for big, scary, doomy things to happen.
So yay. Let's talk about movies. Movies, movies, movies.
I see on average, about two movies a week (in theaters). The past weekend, I saw two movies which were considerably good in comparison to some of the other crud that has come out.

Willy Wonka: Everything here is eatable. I'm eatable, but that, my children, is called cannibalism and it is frowned upon in most societies.

Wedding Crashers, definitely don't bring your kids to see that one. In fact, don't bring anyone who isn't mature to see it. You might get the wrong idea (since most movies give you that wrong idea anyway, even movies made for adolescents like The Fantastic Four) that life is about doing dumbass stuff to get Maxim models to sleep with you. I'd advise the viewer to brace himself for some seriously messed up and borderline offensive shit (i.e. the phrase "just the tip"). I swear though, it was incredibly funny and eventually heartwarming. It's like the chick-flick for chicks who can appreciate a good dose of stupid-guy-humor. It's a stupid-guy-humor piece for guys who have more to them than horniness and stupidity. Oh yeah. Don't see it with your parents.
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