Extremists = danger.

Extremists really do equal danger. They have this incredible ability to believe in something so bad that they're willing to blow something up or indoctrinate other people into believing. Most of the time, these extremists have strayed so much from the original idea that they're actually advocating some crazy monster side of it. I'm pretty sure God didn't say to the Muslims that they should stone their women for getting raped. I'm also pretty sure leftist ideology doesn't tell you to dump paint on people.
But that's not the most dangerous thing about extremists. The most dangerous thing is that they will not allow any ideas in the rest of the world to conflict with theirs. And they will go through any means to destroy those ideas. For example, a lovely Muslim boy spent months whoring out Islam to my boyfriend who was actually starting to buy it. I don't know how he snapped out of it. He could have finally seen that he was full of crap, or maybe my gentle nagging got to him, or maybe his Jewish roots took over and told him to stay away from that scum.
Another example. L****** S***** is a big fat leftist from my high school. She has a great way of biting your head off if you call her a liberal (correct me if I'm wrong, but liberals are politically left). Her rolemodel is John Stewart, yet John Stewart would probably look at her and laugh at her stupid anger that stems from her tender teenage rebelliousness. She's never known poverty or that kind of yuckiness for one day of her life, but she still won't let you talk about your opinion if it's a little bit unlike hers. That goes for another crazyass leftist I know.
Now our president. The wonderful Mr. Bush the Evangelist. Evangelism is BAD. I can't see how even Christians wouldn't agree. God didn't tell you to indoctrinate the world and to drag people in churches kicking and screaming. He's a good guy. He'd tell you to love a heathen regardless. But Mr. Bush allows his Evangelist attitude to permeate every decision he makes as president in a nation where supposedly religion is supposed to be separate from state. I don't know why, but I feel like God would be pissed about that.
(Side-opinion: Personally, I have no problem with saying "under God" in the pledge of allegiance, but making prayer in public schools legal would be a huge step towards combining religion and state.)
You want a better example? Nazis. Or the Ku Klux Klan. Enough said.
So boo to all extremists. Shame on you for not keeping an open mind. You obviously have no idea how to be a good person because you're a judgmental piece of crap. I hope you the best in not being so ignorant in the future.
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