Why I have gone back to disliking Bush.
I figure he is either an evil genius or a big, fat, greedy bastard.
Suddenly, the words "Bring home our troops" holds a new meaning for me. And suddenly, I have an urgent desire to know what the hell is going on over there. I am angry. I am disgusted. And I am confused. One side is telling me this. One side is telling me that. Honestly, I don't give a flying duck what the liberals or conservatives say. They both have hidden agendas to push. Politics cannot be trusted.
People can tell me whatever their opinion is of the war, of the president, of terrorism, but that doesn't take away from the fact that I don't know anything. Bush further aggravates this. He insists that we should stay in Iraq because "we can't give up" and other ridiculous phrases like that. What are we not giving up on? How is Iraq a danger to us now? Saddam is gone. Why are we there? And what exactly are the troops feeling about this?
I have no agenda. I have no political party to back up. At this point, I think people just want to know the truth. Is it for oil? Is it some kind of secret mission that we're not aware of? I'm not sure I understand what we're fighting over. As a president, Bush has let us down, not by his decisions, but by his failure to explain his own cockamamy reasoning behind them.
What kind of country is this when we can't even trust the words that come out of our representatives' mouths? This is America, damnit, and I think we all have a right to know what kind of shit they're piling up in the White House. And I want to know when they started caring more about pushing ideologies than about the wellfare of people. It's all about manipulating the population to become what they consider well-adjusted, model citizens. Well, Bush can shove his Iraqi war, abstinence programs, and anti-abortion crap up his ass.
I tried to feel okay about him. I really did, but I just can't because he's clearly mentally challenged.
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