One more energy bill, man...
I was starting a new post yesterday. I swear I was. But I had to do a protein assay, and then I had to argue with American Airlines about my mileage on the phone for an hour. In the afternoon, I had not one, but two lab meetings. Yesterday was a busy day. However, compared with my weekend, it was pretty average. I spent my whole weekend with people from the lab, most of them foreigners (Brazil, Italy, Belgium...). Sometimes foreigners are really much, much nicer than Americans because Americans kind of look at you like, "Ew, Chinese girl. Do you even speak English?" They don't have that kind of arrogance because they're in a new place which they're all properly excited about.
My recent gripe has been this whole world climate changes thing. I mean, only Helen Keller wouldn't be able to see what's happening. Hmmmm... all in this year we had: giant tsunami, massive flooding in China and India, huge and premature hurricanes in the South, and unusual heat waves throughout the country. Okay, to some of you that just plain screams Apocalypse, but to me it screams global warming.
Yeah, I'm a greenie (not the chewy teeth-cleaning dog bone). I haven't realized my greenness until recently when I found myself so outraged by the administration's negligence of the environment. I don't see why anyone wouldn't be an environmentalist at heart. It's the only earth we have, and we have to live on it. Why isn't it a number one priority? Literally, it affects everyone. You'd think more people would care. Plus, I love animals.
So Bush wants to go through some wildlife reserves for more oil which will become fuel that depletes the ozone. Wow. There are so many things wrong with that one sentence. 1.) Kill some wildlife. Yay! 2.) Dig through their natural habitats to make sure they will never be able to survive there again. 3.) Let's destroy some more ozone so we can all die by severe weather changes.
His energy bill directly threatens a fishing spot in Boston Harbor which is a habitat for many different species. Okay, there are restrictions on fishing. Bush just wants to tear up everything to find a thimble of oil because, frankly, I don't think he cares about animals or anything except himself. I can just imagine what he's thinking... "Hey! Do you think there's oil inside pandas? Let's shoot them all and cut them open. If there's no oil, new panda skin coats for me."

In my opinion, fuck fast cars. All car companies should be working like little elves to build affordable alternative energy cars. I don't give a shit if it doesn't accelerate fast enough. I want to see all gas cars gone by 2010. Fucking save some whales, damnit.
I don't have to remind anyone, I'm sure. But earth is a delicately balanced ecosystem. Any minor change could make it explode at any minute.
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