Oh my God! I'm a rage-aholic! I just can't live without rage-ahol!

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Just because you're not there...

While I'm sitting here in my cushy dorm room in my dorm accoutrements...

(I highly suspect that I live in the "minority" part of campus. I've never before seen such a big fraction of black people or Asian people in one place. The dorm section I live in the third, maybe second, worst section out of the five dorm sections. They couldn't put us in the worst because then there would be an outcry about how they're persecuting minority students. Oh, they're clever and subtle. This is a very race unfriendly school. Yep. And they wonder why all the Asian kids hang out with each other and no one else. I don't know... Maybe it has something to do with the obvious vibes of hostility.)

... there are really bad things happening in the world.

Goodbye, New Orleans. I never knew you though I always wanted to. Seemed so Tennessee Williams, and we all know Tennesee Williams was "interesting" in a Southern, gay, Vladmir Nabokov way. Hello, cholera and typhoid.

I blame global [annoying correction by someone] "climate change" again. The warm ocean is making hurricanes more severe even though Billy insists that hurricanes were severe before and will be again. That's true, but it's been a long time (more like never) since I've heard of this many "severe" hurricanes consecutively, plus that insane monsoon in India and tsunami in Southeast Asia.

You know, we never consider the nuances of problems like this until it directly affects us. Who knows. Maybe in ten years Boston and New York will be gone, underwater. Well, I suppose New Orleans was really a death trap in the first place considering how it's just a gigantic hole in the middle of the land, but undoubtedly, it's a shame.

Still, even if you want to deny global warming and such theories, there is no denying the hole in the ozone layer, unless you really believe that scientists are in on some sinister conspiracy. Just because we can't prove exactly how these climate changes are happening doesn't mean we should randomly fuck around with Earth. In fact, the unknown gives us a even bigger reason not to mess around.

Monday, August 29, 2005

A comeback in two ways.

Good morning, blog.

I am once again in this big, giant, hellish Sodom, continuing to confirm my theory of: "If you don't go Ivy (or Ivy-esque) then don't go at all." More like... state universities suck ass because mediocre intelligence in pompous, trashy young people is not becoming.

I do not have hot water in my dorm. I pay more than I would have paid to go to MIT to live in this dump in a dump of a town. Of course, they have to charge us a zillion dollars to maintain their glorious little honors college so their wonderful little in-state honors students can go to school for two dollars. Literally, there is no financial aid here. Just ask my roommate who is having trouble making tuition.

Ah, but I'm a sophomore with junior standing who is finishing this year. One. More. Year. That is the only thing keeping me going.

I really prefer living at home with my animals and my healthy food which is not slop fit for pigs.

The American university system: another way they're cheating you of your dollar.

Friday, August 19, 2005


Today is my last day at the lab.

You'd think I'd be happy after all those months of working every single day like real people do. You'd think I'd be looking forward to my week of vacation before stupid, sucky school starts. Well, I am, but I'm also going to miss my lab so much. What am I going to do without my Brazilians?

All right. I'll cut to the chase. I'm going only vacation for a week from work/school as well as Blogger. It's a much needed break after our intellectual frollics through the forests of political, social, and silly issues. I'll tell you this, I really could use a break from such fucktards as jarek. Actually, he's the only fucktard. Hmmm... says a lot about him.

So I bid you all "see you later" with my illustration of jarek eating ice cream.

Expect me back around the 29th.

Here, kitty kitty kitty...

I side with the tiger. What kind of dumbass sanctuary sells out their tiger by using it as a photo op? And what kind of dumbass girl would stand next to a tiger thinking she was perfectly safe? They had it coming. Poor tiger. He had to die because people are too dumb to realize that tigers are not housecats and definitely not toys.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Indiscriminate crap.

China's far-western Xinjiang is home to minority Muslim Uighurs, some of whom have sought to establish an independent East Turkestan state. Human rights groups have criticized China for using the U.S.-led war on terror as a pretext for an indiscriminate crackdown on Uighurs.

I laugh because it's funny.

It's the one major thing China is doing right which all countries should take note of and emulate. East Turkestan state my ass. Okay. How many freaking states do they have already? Do you really want me to grab a map and check? I won't because it would be... oh, I don't know... a billion? And now they're trying to eat Israel. Nope. China won't stand for that shit.

If we don't crack down on them, they're just going to want to take over the whole damn world. Remember how Neville cracked down on Hitler before he could go crazy and invade all of Europe? Oh, whoops.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Too horrible to speak of.

What kind of sick bastard would do this? What is the world coming to? Is there no common decency? Somebody save them.

Gomen nasai to the rest of Asia.

Surprisingly, I have very few things to complain about today. I don't think I even know what's going on anymore. I went to a three day long wedding over the weekend, and I feel like exhaustion. Note to self: the only good reason to have a Jewish wedding is that people will carry you around on chairs.

Yesterday, I read about a rare feat which basically never happens: North and South Korea had a moment of harmony where they commemorated together the surrender of Japan that ended World War II. The surrender of Japan is a big thing in Asia. There are still anti-Japan sentiments that are widespread among the population. A famous movie/pop star once walked down the street in China wearing a Japanese flag on her shirt. Yep. She got feces thrown at her.

Understandable. Consider what Japan actually did to China, Korea, and various other parts of Asia. While Hitler was gallivanting about in Europe, targetting non-Aryans as he took over some countries, the Japanese were just indiscriminately killing and raping everything in sight. While Hitler was insane and crafty about his murdering, the Japanese were just doing it the old fashioned way.

They were these horrible, calculating people who were killing in cold blood until a couple of atomic bombs were dropped on them (What happened was horrible and cruel, something that no civilian deserved in the least bit, though it may have been necessary to win the war). Suddenly, they were humble. They wanted help from the West. They were willing to comply like good little victims who were just looking to rebuild and live in peace. And now they've taken on this pompous position as the most advanced and Western Asian country.

Should I be disgusted? Yes. To turn on your own people and become the lackey of some white nations is incredibly low. There should be peace, agreement, and constant communication between the East and the West always to ensure us a world which is diplomatic and cooperative, but to play off being some second-rate pseudo-Western nation is actually superior to all other countries who aren't doing that is just bad. Stop being European wannabes. It's not very attractive.

The preservation of culture as a whole has taken a giant blow with the onset of globalization. Japan had a beautiful heritage deeply rooted in Asian values. With this complete economic, social, and spiritual surrender to the West, Japan has mangled their own culture into something quite... weird. It is both a nation of extreme customs and a nation that worships the West. It's unsettling at best since it's now "Japan-ifying" Western ideas and selling it back in forms of ridiculous shows such as Iron Chef (love it), Extreme Elimination Challenge, and Bonzai.

Japan would do well to remember their place and pay some homage to their Asian brethren. After all, they are just a tiny island nation rapidly running out of land. If size matters for anything, most Asian countries could squash it like a bug. But we won't because essentially, I think we all have the intention to aim for a future where we can all work with each other like good little kindergarteners.

So Japan, perhaps taking the protests and bitter celebrations into consideration will do you some good. If we have truly made peace, then where is all this resentment coming from? As many Asian parents have said to their Americanized children with love and despair: You are Asian; don't forget where you come from.

Friday, August 12, 2005

A Eulogy for Eliza Beth in case you die

It's Friday, and it's time for a fun post. Okay, maybe not fun, but definitely lazy. So here is a crazy poem:

A Eulogy for Eliza Beth in case you die

I once knew a girl who saw the neon blue bone
That delicately curves around the jaw line in my mind
And sharply presses against the cheeks.
Two iridescent cavities for eyes
And a cynical, smiling cage of teeth clenched behind sluggish lips.

I once knew a girl who dwelled in the back on my mind
In a mass, a clump of ancient poisonous plant,
A climbing ivy of some sort rooted in my spine,
Sipping away at my reason and shattered frenzy.

This girl once walked into the room in air of pedanticism
(Not yet sedanticism) with yellow hair near-tamed
And a innocently tie-died shirt exclaiming at me
(In my own language, nevertheless) Xi!
Double luck like at a wedding (How awkward).

This girl that I knew was the eternal fracturer
Perhaps instigator, provoker, stirrer-upper
Who held the twelve inch crowbar in her hand with the smug smile
Of one who knows too much
And brings it swings it down with an opening of the mouth
That releases fifty million pestilences.

We who are blind drop like flies amidst the din of darkness
Whilst you, Fracturer, perched like the scales of Justice
Holding a book in each hand.
Unlikely that Nabokov would be so kind as to explain
The differentiation between his mooding and moding
And explicable plotuous frantic frolics with pretty preadolescents
Which your fervid sense of smell smudges against the canvas.

What has your life become, Great Fracturer?
When the piteous states of words become the vivid ignorance of colors.
Luminosity is quite adverse when the world spins backwards,
Flips forward, rolls sideways, hops a few times on his head
And all while you gustatorily disdain their inhibitions
From your quite evident déjà vu.
Your tongue is shaped like a blade, your taste buds like feathers.

You are the magic eight ball with no regard for which way is up
And fifteen thousand facets on the pinpoint of a quill.
Broken dictionaries, crushed dried peppered fish, chicken cinnamon stick,
Clicking flash cameras instantaneous pictures, fifty four sleepovers and a hotel soap,
Soup in cat whiskers, infrared ink pens, triple bladed scissors pink cotton hearts,
Trileptal Trileptal Trileptal Trileptal Trileptal Trileptal Trileptal ...
Trileptal Trileptal Trileptal Trileptal Trileptal ...
Trileptal Trileptal Trileptal Trileptal Trileptal Trileptal Trileptal Trileptal ...

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Reply to paraplegics: "Yeah, whatever."

There has been a drought on the news front, at least on CNN, so I was forced to look under the entertainment section to find something juicy to read. I came up with this little bit. I saw the trailer for this a couple of months ago when I went to see Howl's Moving Castle, and instantly I was turned off.

"The only explanation is that people don't want to see something about handicapped people. There is some resistance," said Mark Urman, head of the theatrical division at the New York-based THINKFilm.

Yeah, Mark's right. I don't want to see Murderball because it's about handicapped people (I also don't like extreme sports because they're trying way too hard to be cool). It's not that I don't like paraplegics. I know a paraplegic. He's amazing. Some people are afraid of him because of how much power he yields with his presence. If lab work were gambling, he'd be a high roller. I just don't want to see a movie about them being "real people."

I'm sorry if I come off un-PC, but I don't care for films like that. The reason is, I don't think we need to have movies tell us that handicapped people are people, too. This sort of attention is further instilling in us, perhaps subconsciously, the idea that most people should and do think of paraplegics differently. In fact, we think of them so differently that we need an MTV movie to tell us that they're cool and they're just like "real human beings."

That's just a little ridiculous. I know paraplegics are ordinary people that have ordinary personalities. So why would I want to see a movie about regular people playing some sport I have no regard for?

And the fact that MTV is cool-ifying them makes it even more pathetic. Paraplegics are not cool. They're everyday people who suffered something horrible. There is nothing cool about losing your limbs. They've been through all sorts of horrible things. I'm aware that paraplegics can be cool if they so choose to be, so why do we have to cool-ify it? It cheapens them to some marketing scheme playing on people's guilt that they have legs and some people don't.

I don't know. Maybe some paraplegics think it's a good thing. If I were in a wheelchair, I'd probably be pretty pissed. Just because someone's in a wheelchair doesn't make him either a freak or a cool guy. When we finally truly reach the goal of the film, which is to show "people as people," then we will have no need for such films.

And that is why I don't want to see it.