Oh my God! I'm a rage-aholic! I just can't live without rage-ahol!

Saturday, April 30, 2005

Jesus is a pervert?

Because VQ sent me this a week ago. I find myself a little shocked at this earthly, fleshy portrayal of your divine Christ.

This got me thinking: What kind of guy was this Jesus? Humor me. Look at this in a secular perspective. What kind of a person could get thousands of people to believe he's the son of God? Furthermore, how convincing did he have to be to be such a threat? Quite amazing. He must have been some sort of presence. Some sort of sexy presence.

Or are these flaming holywomen just experiencing Christly paraphilia?

TV is evil.

I'm absolutely livid with rage at the superfluously stylistic film, Alfie, starring a very weak-spirited and big-faced Jude Law. Personally, I can't see the irresistibility of his Jude Law-iness, but I can see how that sparkling portrayal of a glamorous New york life is eroding the very fabric of humanity.

It never occurred to me as a child that I could grow up and become a professional philandering slacker (and thank God because, quite frankly, that would be horribly empty). It's evil TV like this that indoctrinates us with the notion that being a lazy bastard pays off with flashy nightclubs and steamy bar sex. Really, I'd like to believe that most people can distinguish between well-molded hedonistic images and real life, but we come from an age of corn-fed, plumply pampered, lazy children who live off the fruit of their parents. Not working is the norm. College, for most people, is synonymous with wasting a huge load of money to drink and get herpes. And the real world, how cushy will that be?

Civilization with our advanced forms of decadence is spawning a generation of social tumors.

Now, Seriously

How do you maximize the taking-serious-ness of your blog? Does the template matter? Does the font?

I'm almost positive content is the quintessential staple of it all, but let's not be hasty here. Obviously, we can't deny how much influence visuals have on the psyche. Green is too relaxed, no? Grassy meadows, limeade on a hot day.

However, now I must take a quest into the fascinating world of organic chemistry.