Oh my God! I'm a rage-aholic! I just can't live without rage-ahol!

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Chuck Norris should lend me a gun.

Last night I had this horrible shooting pain behind my left ear (which I still have today). I always get this before a cold because viruses tend to infect my nervous system first and then the usual symptoms. Instead of going out, I decided to sit on the couch and see if anything worth watching was on TV. Luckily, it was King of Queens/Yes, Dear Wednesday (tonight is King of the Hill Thursday on FX). Who doesn't like Yes, Dear. They had Chuck Norris Walker Texas Ranger on it. And when is Chuck Norris not funny?

Now, that episode of Yes, Dear (with Jimmy going to his high school reunion to relive his days as 'coolest guy') got me thinking. I think I will hate my high school reunion. In fact, I don't think I'll go. I ask my boyfriend, who was sitting next to me, if he'd go. Of course he'd go! Everyone loved him in high school! He was the proverbial harmless, nice guy who did stupid stuff to make people laugh. Voted class clown. The yearbook picture... Well, that's another story for another time. I hate him.

Meanwhile, I seriously considered high school to be unnecessary drama. Looking back, who the hell cares who said what about who and all that crap. I mean, some people were really bad at getting caught up in all the diplomacy of appearing to be nice, but really being a bitch behind everyone's back. I have to admit, at the beginning of my high school career, I was a dumbass.

Towards the end, I kind of became outspoken, sarcastic, and (eh-hem) not very unconfrontational. While most people were busy pretending to like each other, I was pretty open with my hatred. Plus, I only knew the smart kids since I was only in the smart-kid classes, which meant most of them were snooty, insecure, nerdy, or Asian. My post on 'mean boys' was dedicated to the many "unpopular" boys of my classes. Really, they were quite stupid.

If I were to go to my reunion, I'm afraid I'd open fire on the bunch. At senior prom, I got up on a table and started cursing at the whole damn room because my camera went "missing." (The bastard got scared and left it under a table. What a moron. Totally could have gotten away with it.) It wouldn't matter what I would have accomplished. I could win the freaking Nobel Prize and no one would care that much. After all, we're all supposed to be high achievers due to our wits or connections to the upper-class (mostly connections since bunches of the little white kids were cheaters).

I don't think I'll even mention the lewd boys and the things they said. At least they were ridiculously gullible to the point of amusement.

High school is a sty. You are forced to make contact with all the people you hate, and there's nothing you can do about it.

In that sense, college is a little better because you don't have be around idiots. You can just shut yourself up in your room forever.