Blog etiquette.
Ew. I started writing an entry about some [crap], and it was turning out really meaningless, so I stopped. I don't want to write meaninglessly because that would be beneath me as a headstrong and opinionated person.
Honestly, I don't know what to blog about.
HIV, a virus, gives you a condition that makes apoptosis occur in your T4-helper cells which are essential to every immuno-response. The virus penetrates these cells and lies dormant in the DNA until it becomes active. Then it begins to replicate itself inside the cell, using the cell's resources. When there are enough, apoptosis occurs, and all the viruses are released. Being HIV+ means that your body has created antibodies to attack the virus (though with futility), and that you tested positive for these antibodies. AIDS is when there are so few (~200) T4-cells, since the virus killed them, that you are in serious danger if any sort of infection occurs in your body.
I don't know. Maybe a shot in the dark, but that's what I picked up at college. It sounds pretty convincing, doesn't it? And they do tons of research based on this.

Excuse me if I'm blind, but when that little link says comments, it doesn't say: Have a serious debate here! Test your best debating skills! Debate with people who take themselves too seriously!
Quite honestly, I have no respect for a good debate. I'd be like the Alan Shore (reference?) of little Chinese girl lawyers if I were a lawyer. Debates are stupid. The real world is not a debate. No one gives a crap about presenting ideas in a clear and inoffensive manner. Hey, if CNN can't do it, why should I learn how to?
Now, I know Steele gave me an A on that rebuttal paper because I was crystal when it came to refuting that opinion piece, but I chose a stupid one on purpose because obviously I'm not going to be so objective on something I care about. You would need to seriously discipline me to get me to "debate" in a civilized fashion. Like whips and all that.
So blog debaters, I understand your need to voice your opinions like you're a grown-up and your need to be treated like you're at afternoon tea with the governor, but blogs are not afternoon tea with the governor. It's pretty much free territory. Would it really hurt your pride that much to take a few punches and laugh it off? No. It builds character. I promise.
That is why I like Billy D. He is funny and he makes a point. Definitely the best VQ-er. Lookin' sharp there, D.
The insanity continues.
Do you know how hard it is to find a decent goat graphic these days? Sheesh.
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