I saw
Hitchhiker's a while ago. Not that I'm a huge nerd or anything (really, aren't I just), but I can admit that I was fairly excited about the film's release. Don't get me wrong. I wasn't exactly struck by the book. Frankly, (throw tomatoes at me if you will) I found it incredibly dull, lacking substance, and riding shamelessly on the coattails of quirk. I was purely amazed by the some of the visual effects displayed by the trailer.
What I think sums up the movie very well is a quote by a certain boyfriend's brother: "It was like a children's movie, but at the same time I can't imagine any child liking it." Targetting an audience is possibly the most important thing in the universe, rhetoric professor insists.
Sadly, the best part of the movie is the beginning when the narrator narrates that dolphins are the second smartest animals on Earth. Then a cute little
fish song ensues (see "So Long & Thanks for all the Fish"). So my question is: What the hell, Douglas Adams? Did you foresee this happening? Did you know about this from the beginning, and kept it from us all this time?

Of course, we all know what I'm talking about (probably unlikely). Dolphins have been discovered using tools! (Eery, since the day before yesterday, I made a comment about dolphins being able to use tools if chimps can.) Anyway, this
delightful discovery has revealed the cutest tool-using technique in the history of the world. Apparently, adult dolphins teach their young to cover their snouts with conical sponges for protection while they forage. All together now: awwwwwwwwww.
First the wholphin, and now this? Dolphins are just the most precious little bastards.
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