My very own spot in the cytoplasm

I'm sure any blind person could see the huge disparity in date between my last entry and this one. Must a girl explain her life away? Well, come on now. Can't I be a writer, a girlfriend, a daughter, and a research intern? And why is it that the second time around, Erica Jong sounds downright gullible? (Forgive me, Erica Jong.) Those are the infinite questions of the universe.
Speaking of the universe, I'm playing G-O-D in my very own little microcosm here. I am Lord of all RMS-13 cells! I shall smite thee who betrays me! Flee, young microbes, and fear my antibiotics! But rest safe, fresh RMS-13 cells, for I shall protect thee from evil midget armies of bacteria.
I apologize, sincerely. I'm a little delirious from working in the laboratory of the world reknowned Dr. P. Reed Larsen. Yeah, that's right. He's like the Tom Cruise of endocrine research. You wish you were me.
And this entails?
[Removed for reasons such as not wanting anyone to steal my research.]
Moral to the story: Support stem cell research unless you're ready to bow to the Germans and North Koreans!
Yay God.
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